Now we need to live and walk a life considering the economy and eco-system which we are living. We need to have definite formula to survive in the economy without getting killed. If world is said to be global village and one family, we cannot ignore somebody getting killed on other side as we are here. To me every practice is a subset of the advaita and a direction towards it. But does the subsets are understood the way it has to be? Does anybody told to spend this much to get a darshan. A simple 15 thousand rupee getting into fire can be food of somebody in our family. Yes we have a reason and respect for the practices when people understand or agree to do the practice rather just because it is told. Very small trick of mind is the time that makes the things old and give age to it. But in reality, you exist here! always and thats the beauty! When a set of practice is melting an ice bar and another set of practice is there to reverse it everybody knows it, nobody from top has to come and tell us how to do it. Just we need to realise its melting on earth and not in mars!
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