Thursday, November 30, 2017

One Mountain, Different paths

Oh God!, bless me to think for the people around me, give the knowledge that is common for the human kind, make me a tool of you for the people! When I think about God, which God I am praying to? Does God have a name? Does God has a shape? Does God has a specific place? Oh God! tell these people that you were not born and will not die. When anybody in this planet think about God from different locations of the earth, what do they get? We all share one common earth, one connected atmosphere and that has one general principle, then wherever you think about God then everyone should get that One Almighty which is common to us. Now each part of the earth interpreted for their group in words and take logical conclusions and fight with neighbors, i am big, i am big and i am only correct. Let say different Group of people live in earth as H,I,C,J,S,V and B. Some group go to an extent and say God sent our leader so we are close to him and we are bigger than you. Some group say we reject what other groups are saying but our leader is correct and we follow. Some group says i accept everybody's path but I have my way which is best. This is like everyone trying to climb one mountain peak with their interpretations. Some climb from north, some from east, some for south and few from west. Everyone's goal is to climb and reach the mountain peak. By this time Group 'C' leader looks at other groups and say that what a fool! they are going in wrong directions we should help them because we are close to the peak. And sends few scholars from their group and debate and bring other group people to join in their group. People from other group might be close to the peak and inching closer these scholars go and debate and bring them to their group and add those people to the beginner category. The other guy has to learn everything from scratch. So that he/she goes to the bottom of the mountain. If he/she understands what their own path is telling, they wouldn't have gone to the other group and join as toddlers. By this time all the group completed their journey and concluded their position as mountain peak and started enjoying their position. Few were at mid of the mountain, few were close to the peak but not at peak, few were at bottom of peak. Wherever one is born and start to climb the peak their destination is similar/common for entire human race. Without this understanding different groups fight to defend their symbols. People think that their destinations are different. All these blind people who have never been to the peak of the mountain teach, preach and guide others to attain peak. Oh God! come down from the peak and walk us to the destination.

If one wants to mix with environment and become one with it, then steps are common for all.

If one want to reach the ocean from different rivers then everyone reach one common ocean.

If one wants to climb the mountain peak then everyone move towards one common destination.

Once a Siddhar was traveling to Thiruvannamalai to get the darshan of the deepam. He was all alone walking towards the mountain with others. The one saw a scorpion struggling beneath the rock, The one saw that and wanted to help it and moved towards it and tried to remove its obstacle. The scorpion continuously stroked at the One. Others saw that and told the one to stop helping it, Are you a fool? The One wisely told, "Its tendency is to strike and mine is to help".

In Ancient time before Buddha everything was inter-connected in the earth, everyone was traveling to the common destination though they are divided in terms of land, group and Gods. We have shown enough proofs in the blog saying that tamils were around the Globe as one family and they had interconnection with other civilizations. There are proofs for a pandian king ruled an Island in Greece, Mandothari of Mayan civilization married Ravana in South India, a Pandian princess got married to Korean king and those clans still visit India, Still there are pandian clans living in China as groups, Agathiyar contributed to the Rig Veda hymns in Sanskrit and Thirumoolar from north composed Thirumanthiram in Tamil.

Oh God! make these people see the History through this blog.

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Gnani and Nirvaanaa, A two different thing

JnaniToday I am going to discuss about Brahma Nirvaanaa. What is this? Is it a person or a specific group of people? People give these titles to specific group, sect and selected people. People relate these terms with a person or religious identity. People don't see these as general concept which describes the state of mind of human beings. What is this state in the mind? Who all can attain this state? Anybody can see this state in their own mind, Anyone, Men or Women, No caste/varna discrimination, No religious discrimination, No rich or poor partiality, but animals cannot see this state of mind, only human beings can see. People in the busy world from early morning to late night work, work and work. Always they do some actions like brushing, bathing, eating, driving, talking, working, thinking, playing, watching and sleeping. When we go to sleep how many get a good, satisfying and deep sleep? Not many* When sleep is not satisfying, then mind is not getting rest and slowly it becomes restless and it grows into accumulated stress. People don't do any action to get raid of this stress from their body and mind. In Ancient times people realized this state of mind and invented an action that can remove stress from the mind. People use to sit and relax and detach from the self and attain a state of mind and that is called brahma nirvaanaa/sunniya. Regular practice of Nirvaanaa removes stress and makes one highly active. In the due course you get happiness in day today activities. Regular attainment of Nirvaanaa brings detachment in actions and that's what Karma yoga is. People might confused and relate it to a state of body without clothes but I am referring a detached state of mind with clothes in body. When you are detached from self then one can see that I and the self which is composition of body and mind is different. That 'I' is called Brahmman that's you. When one detach from the self and see the Brahmman then he/she has attained Brahmma Nirvaanaa. Anybody can attain this status in life. But people confuse with Brahmma Gnani and Brahmma Nirvaanaa, earlier one denotes a person and later one denotes a state of mind. A person who regularly attaining Nirvaanaa is not a Brahmma Gnani. Brahmma Nirvaanis (eg. Buddha) are common in human clans but Brahmma Gnani is very rare, so far in the history of man kind Gnani can only be counted in fingers. People are not able to see Gnani and give recognition in society. When we say count of  Gnanis were in single digit in entire human race, then one should understand what is that status called Brahmma Gnani. People don't celebrate this occurance of Brahmma Gnani. Because people don't know how to identify a Brahmma Gnani. Will people learn the tricks to identify the Brahmma Gnani in future atleast?
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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Rasleela a divine dance

RasleelaToday I am going to discuss about concept called Rasleela. According to text what is Rasleela, "The Rasleela takes place one night when the Gopis of Vrindavana, upon hearing the sound of Krishna's flute, goes to forest and dance with Krishna". This happens on the full moon day and Shiva from the Kailash mount dresses like Gopis and joins with Gopis and dances with Krishna in the Rasleela. This Vrindavana forest is still there in the North India where people still believe some supernatural thing is happening in nights so people stay away from the place with due respect to divine during night time. Rasleela is the core of all classical dance like KathakBharatanatyamOdissiMeitei, and Kuchipudi. Its a dance with the divine, meaning the dancer pairs with divine and perform the dance, That means the supreme being Krishna companies the dancer and dances with each one in the forest. This is nothing but the Jivathma and Paramathmaa concept. Jivathma is living things and Paramathmaa is the supreme being. Jivathma borns, lives and dies. During this time the Jivathma when as Human thinks about Paramathmaa and Paramathmaa tests the Jivathma and guides it to reach him. Only because of this phenomenon of Human thinking about the Paramathmaa, these temples, sculpture, paintings, stories and other stuffs are built by Humans. If this thinking of Paramathmaa existed in other animal then those animals would have built all these things. A every old Sidhantham of Tamils created by few Clans before 1st Tamil Sangam. The Paramathmaa and Jivathma travels together. When the Paramathmaa reveals itself to the Jivathma then he/she is called Brahma Gnani. 

This is same as the Darshan of Chokkan described in early article. Hare Krishna.. Hare Krishna.. Krishna.. Krishna.. Hare.. Hare.. Hare Rama.. Hare Rama.. Rama.. Rama.. Hare Hare..

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Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Language of Chokkan

Today we are going to discuss the Varna system. All these concept should be seen from a Brahma Gnani's mind, because he is the Shuka who can see the past, present and future so he is called "ShukaBrahma". We need to travel back in time to look at how this Varna system was designed. Why you need a system like Varna? Is it a Caste system? What are the difference between Caste and Varna system? Today this is a political theme to run politics. Leaders play a divide and play policy. There are 2 kinds of people who follow the practices by Manu script. People who merely follow the practice (A) and People who want to understand and live according to the principle said (B). So there are 2 kinds of people A and B clause. 'A' clause can be easily diverted, converted and misdirected. 'B' clause can not be converted or diverted he just play a role and move on. Now 'A' clause is majority people living and have the voice to say anything to public. This clause 'B' is totally clear about what is going on and plays a passive role to the public. So their voice are not heard even though they are correct in their perspective. These are just fundamental principle of the human kind when they live under a Ruler(Dictator) or Political system (Democracy) or in group of people (Socialism). There will be two groups fighting for the Chair. In this fight 'A' will win for 100 years and 'B' will win for next 100 years and this will continue to change for ever in this system. A = Asura and B = Bhairavaa When we say this then One becomes GoRaBhairavaa and other AgoRaBhairavaa. This is just a fight between to two principle of mind. One is Good and another is Bad. This happens inside the mind a fight between the good thoughts and bad thoughts this happens for everyone. A constant fight between good and evil is a non stop thing that is happening when the mind is looking outside world. When we turn this outside looking mind and look for a solution inside then one starts the journey towards the "Chokkan" the hanging lamp without oil or thread. This is the journey everyone need to take.

There was a time when there were no temples on this planet and Tamils were wide spread across the global as a Global civilization. People saw these 'A' and 'B' as just principle that cannot be stop, the fight between Asuras and Devas never ends. Clan heads decided to investigate on what is happening inside the body and mind when one closes the eye and think, Since outer world is easy understood by anyone. Many in the Clan wanted to take it as a challenge and know what is happening inside. Lot of a people started to look inside the body and mind. Days went, months went. years went, nothing was found.  Few Clans started documenting their experiences and gave to the next generation so that the search continues. Many Clans see common principle between each clan and all were not sure about the start and end of the Universe and also start and end of the mind. There is no start and end for the Universe and mind but they both exists without any doubt. Clans started teaching these principles to next generation so other don't have to start from scratch.
So the Guru Parampara begins. One tells about this Universe and Mind to another what is the reality which exists always no matter whoever see this it is all same principle. The Clans had their own document which they follow and these documents are different from each other clans in terms of the achieving the same common goal The Darshan of Chokkan. Slowly the Clans had lot of knowledged persons and there were fight between who is big and what is correct? Then a Time came so that all the Clan heads decided to come to a common platform with their document. All Clan heads came together and brought these in terms of a common language in terms of scripts. Then they came up with language so called Tamil. Because each letter in Tamil an outer expression of inner and outer knowledge. So it is called the Language of the Chokkan who spoke to the Mankind. Everything that Tamil tells is an expression of this Universe and the Mind. Thus the 1st Tamil Sangam was formed under the common principle between the Clans document. Clans were so dedicated to see the Chokkan, they spend years to get a darshan and not all can see him without his wish. But a human being has to eat and live for the survival. So he has to sow the crop, cultivate, exchange with someone and run the family, community and Clan. So each Clan decided to divide this sow, exchange and run the community. Inside each Clan they decide to give the responsibility of sow, exchange and run the community to specific families so they keep the ball rolling (Human kind lives forever) and the Darshan of Chokkan is not disturbed for anyone in the Clan. Anyone wish to see a darshan there is no blocker, one has to follow the document of the Clan and do what has to be done to see the Chokkan. It is a pride for the Clan when one of their people gets the Darshan of Chokkan. Where is Caste here? Where is Varna here? Its just a share of responsibilities so that their Clan can win in the knowledge fight. Will a Sangam era come again? Will the Knowledge fight restart again? Varlaam Varlaam Vaa Bhairavaa Bhairavaa........

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Dual Principle is like a Coin

Universe is full of dual principle. When ancient humans saw this world they saw it as two. Day/Night, Happy/Sorrow, Good/Bad, High/Low, Peak/Valley, Push/Pull, Like/Dislike, Open/Close, Friend/Enemy, etc... this list continues... This exists in the body too. Anyone is made by Male and Female, so one has the male and female principle in the character. One can see this authentically by self questioning method recommended by Master Ramanar. Ramana Maharishi is a definite guide for the self questioning. When you sit and question to yourself who am I? There will be a total blank will be witnessed. But if you question who I resemble like? This is the closest question that can get an answer. If you find answer for the prior question then we should meet for a discussion. So the closest question will give you an answer and make you realize a male entity and female entity in you. You can see those 2 entities as your parents or even grand parents. This state of mind represented as arthanadhiswaram body contains male and also female components. Male the Shankar, Female the Devi is the dual principle developed as philosophy by One ancient tamil clans and told to many different clans across the globe. Shankar/Devi when pronounced by other clans is pronounced by Shang Di. What exists inside exists outside. இங்கு /அங்கு  hence become Yin Yang. You can see this great old philosophy is available in different civilizations as Zeus/Hades, God of Heaven/God of Under world. When a good exists there exists a bad too. There is a constant push-pull force in the hiranyagarbha. There is a story in the mythology too. When all the Gods were in the north for a grand occasion there was a imbalance of knowledge. So Gods sent Agathiyar to south to balance the entire Gods in north. Just take this story to understand the dual principle. When we say The One exists in the world then there should be a Zero to balance the One. After all this is Digital era, just 1s and 0s is the fundamental of the system. Every Clans just see your leader as The One and look for the Zero. 1+0=!, is that a wonder! ah! Gopalu, Gopalu yenna vanthu kootitu poda 🙋.........

Note: Check this post in Mobile device and in Desktop to experience the dual principle right now.

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Monday, November 6, 2017

Clash of The Clans

Caste a sub division of Hindu People. When we say Hindu People, they are people who lived in Hindustan or Clans who lived after Indus river. So we should conclude they are Clans who had a specific God, Temple, Kula Guru, Sambrathayams and Practices. When we say this then each clan becomes a religion. With this words if you count there are more than 100+ religion in this Land even before the origin of Buddha. When we take this Clan heads and Gurus separate, they are formed by 1st Sangam directly under Siva. Siva the ultimate goal and common for human being. Why attaining Siva is a common goal for humans? because when we accepted Siva, Siva is the natural principle of the universe which is common for all human being. All concepts and guidelines are created(Bhramma), practiced(Vishnu) and destroyed(Rudhra) within this common principle. Whatever religious principle you mention that is inside the natural principles and laws nothing is outside the universe. When we say Tamil Sangam was formed by accepting a general principles by various sect of people, there exists perspective which tells clans existed before 1st Sangam and clans which was created after 1st Sangam. Clans like Pallar, Mallar existed even before the 1st Sangam and those clans were renamed in various social circumstances and lived in medieval ages in the name of Udayar, Vellalar, Kulalar and Kuyavar. These are few clans who were in the administration of the ancient Tamil region as Cholas. There were 3 Sangam organized by the Clan heads and spiritual leaders like Siddhargal. We can definitely bring our clans together and form the Sangam again. But what and how of the Sangam will be a mystery. There were furious battles fought against other region which are mentioned in the temple inscriptions. Cholas have not lost their last battles as per historical evidence. But people say that Cholas were disappeared. In this universe how one clan can disappear. Still the Udayar, Kulalar, Malayaman, Nathaman, Surthiman, Vellalar, Velar, Pallar, Kallar and Kuyavar clans are living, only the administration has changed. Cholas built temples, monuments, dams, empires, cities and life style. These ancient clan have the knowledge how they built the temples under what assumption and principle. Knowledge is never changing principle. Knowledge never dies. Whatever birth you take these natural principles don't change. These clans believe in rebirth. If one of these clan leader gets a rebirth, then he/she can tell the principles behind the symbols, stone cravings and how to conduct the Tamil Sangam again. Will The Arunmozhi Udayar raise again?

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

The Blue Nile Civilization

Already we have discussed a lot about an alien civilization that was missing in the current history. Today I have got another reference that the Tamils were around the Blue Nile Civilization. The main stream historians are avoid too many reference to link that the alien civilization roots back to the kadal konda thennadu. We have shown many reference in this blog that tamils were around the world and tamil was the one language that was spoken across all the tribes in the previous globalization. But people still show allergic to tamils, tamil language and refuse to accept tamil civilization. This blog was created to fight against the ignorant mind set of people and enlight them that tamils were their forefathers. This blog was created to say that Aliens contact was not the reason behind the historical monuments, but tamils were the one who is reason behind the historical monuments. This blog should have been named as Tamils were Around instead of Aliens were around. I have named it because today Aliens were famous then Tamils.


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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rally to Heaven

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Tamil Enlightment in Medieval China

Today i want to say that Tamils were in China. The are 2 major records saying Tamils were in China. Below reference shows the medieval China was visited by Tamil travelers. Bodhidharma, the pandya prince went to China and there was a movie made by Tamil industry based on this records. Whatever self defense technique called Kung-fu which is practiced in Modern china is a gift from the Tamil civilization. So we can say the Chinese student of Kung-fu are coming under the Tamil Guru Parampara. And again Bogar Siddhar of Tamil had visited medieval China and He himself had mentioned that in his Bogar 7000 text. Bogar Siddhar was the one who made the morthi of Tamil God Murugan with 9 poisons. The couplets of Bogar are very thought provoking and en-lighting.


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Secret of Hinduism hidden by Potter community

Today we are going to see what the archaeologist got in Russian Village and Modern Russia. Whatever got in Russian village is the idols and potteries. Wherever you dig, you find a pottery. What that means? The potter community of the ancient times have traveled throughout the global. Carbonated dates of Keeladi of Tamilnadu is confirmed as the Sangam age. When the Tamils believe that the first and second Sangam took place in the Kumari Kandam, these carbon dates should be referring to the Third Sangam happened in the present Madurai. So we can strongly say that Potter community were there in all ages of the history. And if we are able to connect with the Potter community and invoke them with the knowledge and bring them to the lime light we can get lot of information about the present Hindu system and their interpretation. Can the secret of the Hinduism is cared by potter community of ancient India. Still the potter community people are living in south part of India. According to me the idol worshiping is done in Russia, that was later taken by Nazis and consider them as Aryans. That's why svástika symbol is present in the symbols of the Nazis. Ignoring the facts is not fair. But not knowing how to connect is acceptable. Acknowledging what is fact and bringing them to mass is always a challenge in a divers world.


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Monday, October 2, 2017

Vantheris wants a Capital

United Nations Day
United Nations Day
People see that all the religious source were given by Gods. Example manuscripts, ark of covenant, fillala and bhanjbhi. what are these? These tells human clans how they should believe in the words of Gods and accept it and live in their land. For all these documents mentioned above there are root documents. Those documents are erased by ignorants and some destroyed by natural calamities. So it seems they are given by different Gods. I say No! they are formed under 1st Tamil Sangam by different groups writing the scripts in their own languages from same source documents. I have given enough proofs of same concepts followed by different land mass people. These were written in the clay tablets and golden tablets by different clans. But before that there were no scripts in the clans. People used word of mouth. For many thousand on years it was only word of mouth between the clans. Thats why there are more than 300 words in world language are from Tamil. There are tamil names given for cities. Eg. "Palani" is there in more than 10 city names around world map. How do the tamil names like Pallar, Mallar, Kallar are there in different parts of the world civilization? Just it is pronounced different like PallaMallawa and Tamaulipas. There is nothing different to the meaning which denotes a specific clans lived across the world civilization. Now in Tamil Nadu its a fashion for politicians to call others as Vantheri. Those people should go and see the dictionary meaning for word Pandion in China. We should see the Ancient Tamil Sangam as the United Nation of current time. We should use the etymology analysis to root back the word that we are speaking and decode their meaning. I don't know where these clans living currently. But If at all they are fighting for a land and a capital ............... They are our clans not aliens from other planet!!!

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Friday, September 29, 2017

Demistfying Avatar Concept

Today I am going to discuss about the Avatar concept. What is an Avatar? The human beings are part of evolution as we are saying in the blog. if that is the case then Avatar is also part of evolution. How an Avatar will be different from the normal human being? What is the definition of Avatar? There are different tradition in this world. Each of them has their won definition for the Godly-hood human being, gurus, sadhgurus, saints and religious heads. Each definition can be accepted by their tribes only, but not by the other tribes. Is there a universal concept that can be accepted by all the tribes? then if that concept is occurring again then it can be considered as Avatar. So what is the universal concept which can be accepted by all tribes? We in this blog have explained a lot saying that Tamils were the first to travel to west and eastern civilization and spread their art of living. What is the art of living? Tamils didn't teach any religion to other tribes. So, when Tamil went to other part of the world their were no religion its just a perspective about God. What Tamil saw as God in their land was given to other tribes also. the concept was not forced upon anybody, even before Tamils went there, other tribes did not have the notion of how this world is created and what are way to uplift and manage yourself, community and the country. So, Tamils taught the perspectives to other tribes to uplift them. So only Tamils say யாதும் ஊரே, யாவரும் கேளிர். unless Tamils have visited all the cities of world they wouldn't say these words. So day by day these tribes pictured whatever was taught to them as God and also who taught them also as God. We Tamils didn't invent the deity worship, the other tribes were the one invented the deity worship. The concept of God was so simple for the creator and not for the student, so the student created complex structures and represented them as God. But for Tamil civilization still at the 21st century woods, muds and stones are not God, only the philosophy is accepted and given to the next generation. Slowly the deity form was coming into the picture in Tamils tribe too because to set par with the other tribes. Still those concept are taught in Gurukulams from generation to next generation. A Guru explains the concept and the next generation understand and gives to other generation this should not be breached. if then the paralaiya will occur. So lets come back to the question of Avatars. Tamil civilization tells "Enlighten Beings" as Avatar. What is enlightenment? Now you all have different perspective for enlightenment. But the first and foremost explanation must be considered and accepted. Because from that one all others was gone separate and today you have more money then us, So your God is better than us?, what kind of human you should be to think like that?
The enlightenment means one who sees that one being is present in the all object present in the world, if someone sees that one object then he get the special knowledge to handle himself and some special siddhis too. So what is the Avatar? Again the Guru and the Siddas concept should be revisited. Guru, the Enlighten Master trying to make the next generation Enlighten like him. On this course of trying not at every generation the Master creates another Master. So when the two Master meet at the Guru and Sidda relationship that can create good activities for the society that is what all Masters are trying for the society. So Enlighten being are called as Avatar in Tamil Civilization. There were so many Avatars in the Tamil civilization. But currently people are waiting for an Avatar which is Kalki the last Avatar of Vishu. What do you think? world will end once the Kalki comes. What is the prophecy? "Kalki will be the last avatar and he will be trained by Parashurama another Avatar of Vishu and set the peace in the world". So saying the 2 Avatar of Vishu at the same time. So how do you differentiate one is Parashurama and another is Kalki. Both will be enlighten Masters? What is the clue? The clue according to Tamil civilization is Another prophecy - that is "There comes 2 master at the end of the Kali yuga earlier one with Vedas in his hand and the later one with a sword in his hand and both rides a horse". Saying that, the Vedas reciting community is the Bhramins and the sword is the representation of a Shathriya community. These identification are inscribed in walls of the temples.

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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

We are not Son of Gods

Most of the religious converter say this we are son of God. When we start thinking in terms of evolution we are not Son of God. When we say human The animal has created God, then it should be God a pet of Human The animal. The religion was created long ago so we have forgotten that we are the Boss who created the Gods and our intelligence had rotten so we always think we need a superior. We are not able to get ride of the superior and think rationally. Always have a guide when you start removing the God in mind and think. Since it is very new way of thinking, you might disrespect others, you will not know how to think, you might end up think that you are the superior or you can be misguided by your own mind. So it is recommended to have a senior in this path so u still respect whatever you are doing right now. I am not saying throw whatever you are doing and go to forest.
Again we have to be clear that God is a entity which is common for Human The animal, animals and plants. So there is no relation with God as Father. When God is one common God for all Human The animal, animal and plants then it should be common entity to all of the living thing and non living thing. So we have to be clear that evolution have created space, vibration, motion, heat, fire, rock, air, water, microbes, plants, rain, sea animals, land animals and these land animals created God. This is the order of creation. And human The animal has created many other things before creating God. What are the other things? Other things are like knowledge about communication with peer, time (through sun raise and set), taste of different food, swimming, fighting skills including defending from other animal attacks and fight between tribe groups, travel routes like land route and sea route, flying, use of materials and how to create weapons or use of metals or wood in building boats for water and cars for land, domesticated animals to help him travel, a telescope or binocular. These are things that would have invented before God.

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Sunday, August 6, 2017

Ancient wisdom a life story

I write this experience with satisfaction. Because I was behaving in much matured way in managing the situation. So let's come to the story. Myself and a friend travelled to Bangalore for a weekend class from Coimbatore. We were staying in a hotel. On Saturday, we attended the session and in the evening we planned dinner @ Barbique Nation, Golden Heights. We took a cab and reached there. We both got into the restaurant with excitement. We ordered starters  and We ordered cranberry mock tail. The combination of cranberry and starter was awesome. Starter went 3 to 4 rounds and we moved to main course and finished the dinner. We were about to pay the bill. At that time i noticed a sentence saying something like 'cautious about allergic food'. I didn't not take that serious we paid the bill and returned hotel. We said good night and slept. I had a disturbed sleep. Sometime later i woke up and saw my face in mirror to the surprise my eyes were blown up like anything. Suddenly i remembered the allergic food quotes in the restaurant. I thought what could be reason. My mind told me cranberry was the reason because I had that first time. So what to do? Should i wake up my friend? Should i call reception? Should i call home? I just calm down and thought what I could do in late night. The last thing I saw in Facebook was 'Yoga of Discrimination' A Commentary by Sri Sri. That stroked again, I am practitioner of Sudarshan Kriya of Art of living. My teacher would constantly say when we have done with 3 stage pranayama "we have balanced vada,pitha and kabha". I just related to that some of this 3 parameter would have gone worst. And i was not sure what was that. I had no knowledge of Ayurveda but some belief was there. I use to have a regular routine of my paranayamas and Kriya. I just started believing that something will help me now. I submitted all my doubts and questions and did my regular routine. I came back and saw myself again the eye had no change but my belief level was too high after the Kriya that it will be all right. I just had water and went back to sleep. I had a deep sleep. Morning i woke to see myself alright. My eyes were back to normal. It was no surprise to me. During this situation if i absorb myself there was no fear, no tension, i just thought how i would handle with the knowledge i have. I believe this was because I have learnt the ancient knowledge and did connected that with the situation and found a solution. If u see whatever i learnt in school or college didnt helped me. The extra studies that i did by learning ancient wisdom has given me helping hand. Thanks to people who have brought these skills into me over a period of time. Old is definitely a Gold to have in life. So moral of the story is ancient wisdom gives helping hand in modern days too(always). These are life skills everyone should be educated with.

Many act, Many have doubts, Many are jealous, Read this and get a smile. click here

Don't worry too much. Keep Calm and Relax.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

We created Gods

What is GOD?
If the world is created based on a big bang theory, then it is all evolution. There is no GOD. First people who invented GOD is the first global civilization. These people interpreted few signs from the solar system and the relation between the body and mind and assumed them as godly objects. These people observed the relation between the body and mind with the surroundings. These might have taken many thousand of years. I don't believe the experience and knowledge of this universe and the body and mind wouldn't have come only through meditation. Meditation would have occurred in later part of the search towards the divine power. Before people have started doing Meditation they have invented the agriculture, medicine, weaving, arts, mining, astrology and other aspects of the human inventions. After the inventions were not solving a part of puzzle, human started talking about how they are come from, different philosophy of making of this world. Early people had close contact with animal kingdom so they would have considered him as one of the animal which is born from a female just like any other animal. This moving innovative animal(humans) which have invented the all the aspect of the life which is required to survive kept accruing knowledge about the whole universe. There were no GODS who came down to help these animals called humans. These people want to find the source of the creation and searched up and down of the planet. Nothing was found, there is no clue what is going on. An Animal born is going to die at old age. This phenomenal of death has bothered the animals. How to stop from death? Can a human born live forever? Everything and all the other aspects of the human life is so good and death is the misery of the animals. Few thoughts come across, how death happens to someone? is it a disease that can be cured? can we postpone the death? who decides ones death? Is there a creator of humans if so we can contact him and postpone the death? Multiple questions bombard from the human mind. Animal started having a quest of searching the source of creation and decided to document all the knowledge that has acquired from the ancestors. Few thoughts regarding the life of human body, how this body is made up of? how this thinking, memory, digestion, emotions, anger, worrying, intellectual, belonging, and other characteristics of the mind are governed? who governs these? these are not governed by myself. These are raises and falls from his own mind.

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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Relation between Korea and Tamil

This blog is my collection of articles and notes about my belief system which says there was a ancient high-tech and rich and wise civilization around the globe which lived. When we are living in tamilnadu, karnataka and delhi and we are speaking english as a communication language, Similarly in the previous globalization tamilians have gone to different part of the globe and taught the agriculture, astrology, ayurveda, etc... to other part of the land. Tamilians were the first people to make a global revolution. Tamilians were the first people to think that world is a Gobal Village. யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர் . These people were first global citizen which made them think that very people is the world is my relative and very village is my village. These thinking were among the Tamil people only because they have visited the different parts of the world with sea routes. These people were there in the Korea as well. When these Tamil people were in Korea was a mystery. English ruled the India 400 years which made us learn English in a mass and in education system we have the language. Similarly Tamil people should have ruled or traded with Koreans so that Korean people have learned the Tamil Language and use lots of Tamil words in their language as well. The language is one perspective of the influence but there are some cultural similarities between the nation. 

Tamil Cities in World map

Orrisa Balu

தமிழின் உலகமயங்கும் வாழ்ந்தவன் என்ற வரலாறுக்கு சான்றுகள். As I believe there was a old civilization which was high tech and rich enough to travel across the continents, here is a proof of it. People still think from the Western Indologists perspective. People think from a Western ideas perspective only. People don't think our tamil scientists as knowledgeable person. when I go and talk to people about the proof of this scientist, people tell me that "உங்க ஊர் ஆலு அத்தான் உணர்ச்சிவசப்பட்டு பேசர".   

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தமிழ் இனத்தின் வரலாறு -  click here to open 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Roots of Devotion

Who started the religion?
        One of the oldest civilization of the world is the Tamil civilization. These Tamilian know the world which had no God and also the world which had full of Gods.

What is the root of religion?
        Initially there were no religion. There was only the group of people and practices.

Should we follow any religion?
        No we don't have to follow any religion. Because religion is made by group of people based on the thathvas. Follow the thathvas is more than enough.

How does all the religion started?
       We have to root back to know the religious roots, if we think about when the religion started, the latest religion is Islam when Mohamed started it. Before that Jesus came and started Christianity. Before that Mahavira started Jainism. Before that Buddha started the Buddhism. These are the new branches of human religion. Further these have branches within it now. Before all of this there were no religion, we had only practices that were followed on various part of the India and other Civilization. These people had the 4 Vedas as their fundamentals of practices. Before the Vedas were compiled into 4 major books there were people who followed the distributed set of practices developed by their group of people. These group of people were the one created the temples and shastras. Before that there were no Symbolic representation of Gods and there were no temples. These people consolidated the Knowledge and their experiences in the life as agama shastras. After this shastras were made the temples have come up. Before that people were there around the planet. Proofs were there in my blog saying that tamil civilization were around the planets doing trading and enabling other community people with the knowledge of agriculture, astrology, ayurveda and other practices. These people were the one from the KumariKandam (Kadalkonda thennadu) These people from the sunken land were the first people to invent the agriculture, astrology, ayurveda and other practices. There were no Gods helped these people. These people used their own experiences and inventions to create a knowledge repository of what he had gone through the whole life. Before that there were no knowledge repository and experiences. People were in groups and so merged with the environment and lived in forest. The stone age were there before this, there were no cities in the earth.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A submerged continent found

Kumari KandamToday I came cross a article in The Hindu paper. That talks about the submerged continent near Mauritius, Maldives, British Indian Ocean Territory. According to my belief, this is a scientific proof. I believe people are searching about the roots of the humanity, scientists are working on it. If this continent is found out then we have to revisit on the history books for the school children. We have the responsibility to tell our children the real history that can be authenticated scientifically and materialized to the education system.

Newspaper Reference:
A submerged continent 
Internet Reference:
More details from Internet

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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Cameroonians Speak Tamil Etymological Proof

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ஒரிசா பாலு ஐய்யா, தமிழ் ஆராய்ச்சியாளர் - click here to open 

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Tamil speaking Japanese Professor

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ஆப்பிரிக்காவில் தமிழ் - click here to open

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Hypothesis against Theories Of Western Indologists

This is an interview with Mr. Orrisa Balu. Now we have some proofs to believe against Traditional Ideologists(Theories Of Western Indologists)

List of Ideas to support the Hypothesis.

1. The planet is not only for Humans, Even before Human came into the world was occupied with being like Animals and Birds
2. When this Animals were there was a ecosystem.
3. Turtles were the being which can live in Land and Sea
4. So Turtles travels to the different continents with Ocean current.
5. So Turtles had the Knowledge to travel around the Globe and interlink the Continents.
6. Humans used Turtles to navigate to different Continents.
7. Next Humans would have used the Rivers to migrate into the Continents And Come Back To The Native Land (திரைமீளர்)

To understand this Hypothesis you have to read below:
1. Tamil History - click here to open
2. Watch this seminar - click here to open 

அறிமுகவுரை "ஆதித்தமிழன் அடையாளங்கள்"

எனது  இணையதளத்திற்கு வருகைதந்தமைக்கு நன்றி! என்னடா "Aliens were around" என்று பெயர்வைத்துக்கொண்டு ஏலியன்ஸை பற்றி எதுவும் சொல்லாமல் தலைப்பிற்கு சம்பந்தம் இல்லாத தலைப்புகளில் நிறைய எழுதிஉளேன் என்று சிந்திக்கிறீர்களா?

இந்த Map(குமாரி கண்ணடம்) என்ன கூறுகிறது? இது உண்மையானால்? உலக வரலாறு  என்னாகும்? இது உண்மை. இது சத்தியம் என்பதை நிரூபிக்கத்தான் இந்த இணையதளம். ஆதித்தமிழர்கள் தான் நாமதேடும் Aliens(people who have used alien technology to build monuments, cultures and life-styles). ஏன்னென்றால் தமிழன் தான் இந்த கோவில்களுக்கும், Alienகளுக்கும் விடைசொல்லமுடியும். ஆதிமனிதன் ஒரு தமிழன் என்பது ஒரு hypothesis. இதை நானும் என்னை சார்ந்தவர்களும் நிரூபிக்க பாடுபடுவோம்! (Translate with Google and read it for a fun!)

Begin the Journey: 
தமிழன் உலகம் முழுவதும் வாழ்ந்தான் என்பதற்கு சான்றுகள் 

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Ayurveda over Western Medicines

Why Dr. B.M Hegde, always refers his hypothesis and knowledge from the Indian texts.

Why we need the old texts to solve the current problems? When the current technology and social concepts are accepted by majority of Man kind do we still need the old technology?

Answer from Alien thinking:
             Current technology and social concepts are not matured enough to address the pains and worries of common man in every country. These technology and social system needs improvements. For those improvement and to make man think in a constructive way we need the old technologies and ideas. So we need to build our society and technology based on a improved and matured system of living.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2017


From the thought of Indian, if we travel back we can find that this land was not originally India but ruled as different Kings as different nation. The Indian sub continent was created by the traders who came from Europe. Before that Indians had different languages and different culture. This is a simple video collection from Internet which shows how languages have aged through time.

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Language of Chokkan - click here to open

Monday, January 30, 2017

Big Bang a Vedic prespective

Google search define mythology => a collection of myths, especially one belonging to a particular religious or cultural tradition.
Is this Big Bang description a mythology or scientific idea?
     A logical mind would say it was a rishi (scientist) spoken about creation of universe in an other language or document which is used by one religion(a group of people).

Useful References:
Same dots connected by Tamil Saint ->

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ஓம் என்ற சொல்லுக்கு அர்த்தம் - click here to open

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Historical Rama

My belief is the existence of rich and high tech civilization in the past. This is a evidence of the concept that even before Harapan and Indus Valley civilization there was a civilization around the world which was interlinked in economic affairs.

Useful References:
Don't See this

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அண்டம் உருவானதும், வைகுண்ட நாராயணன் ஆதிஷேஷ படுக்கைக்கு தொடர்பு என்ன? - click here to open

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வாழ்க வையகம்

⚘ வாழ்க இம்மொழி எங்கள் தமிழ் மொழி ⚘

Theory of Aliens were around

Theory of Aliens were around
For Ladies and Gentlemen only

Please read on below topics to get a better understanding of our theory.
Ancient astronauts
Theories of Western Indologist

For Long Term: Save Trees, Save Rivers.
For Short Term: reduce, reuse and recycle