Thursday, November 30, 2017

One Mountain, Different paths

Oh God!, bless me to think for the people around me, give the knowledge that is common for the human kind, make me a tool of you for the people! When I think about God, which God I am praying to? Does God have a name? Does God has a shape? Does God has a specific place? Oh God! tell these people that you were not born and will not die. When anybody in this planet think about God from different locations of the earth, what do they get? We all share one common earth, one connected atmosphere and that has one general principle, then wherever you think about God then everyone should get that One Almighty which is common to us. Now each part of the earth interpreted for their group in words and take logical conclusions and fight with neighbors, i am big, i am big and i am only correct. Let say different Group of people live in earth as H,I,C,J,S,V and B. Some group go to an extent and say God sent our leader so we are close to him and we are bigger than you. Some group say we reject what other groups are saying but our leader is correct and we follow. Some group says i accept everybody's path but I have my way which is best. This is like everyone trying to climb one mountain peak with their interpretations. Some climb from north, some from east, some for south and few from west. Everyone's goal is to climb and reach the mountain peak. By this time Group 'C' leader looks at other groups and say that what a fool! they are going in wrong directions we should help them because we are close to the peak. And sends few scholars from their group and debate and bring other group people to join in their group. People from other group might be close to the peak and inching closer these scholars go and debate and bring them to their group and add those people to the beginner category. The other guy has to learn everything from scratch. So that he/she goes to the bottom of the mountain. If he/she understands what their own path is telling, they wouldn't have gone to the other group and join as toddlers. By this time all the group completed their journey and concluded their position as mountain peak and started enjoying their position. Few were at mid of the mountain, few were close to the peak but not at peak, few were at bottom of peak. Wherever one is born and start to climb the peak their destination is similar/common for entire human race. Without this understanding different groups fight to defend their symbols. People think that their destinations are different. All these blind people who have never been to the peak of the mountain teach, preach and guide others to attain peak. Oh God! come down from the peak and walk us to the destination.

If one wants to mix with environment and become one with it, then steps are common for all.

If one want to reach the ocean from different rivers then everyone reach one common ocean.

If one wants to climb the mountain peak then everyone move towards one common destination.

Once a Siddhar was traveling to Thiruvannamalai to get the darshan of the deepam. He was all alone walking towards the mountain with others. The one saw a scorpion struggling beneath the rock, The one saw that and wanted to help it and moved towards it and tried to remove its obstacle. The scorpion continuously stroked at the One. Others saw that and told the one to stop helping it, Are you a fool? The One wisely told, "Its tendency is to strike and mine is to help".

In Ancient time before Buddha everything was inter-connected in the earth, everyone was traveling to the common destination though they are divided in terms of land, group and Gods. We have shown enough proofs in the blog saying that tamils were around the Globe as one family and they had interconnection with other civilizations. There are proofs for a pandian king ruled an Island in Greece, Mandothari of Mayan civilization married Ravana in South India, a Pandian princess got married to Korean king and those clans still visit India, Still there are pandian clans living in China as groups, Agathiyar contributed to the Rig Veda hymns in Sanskrit and Thirumoolar from north composed Thirumanthiram in Tamil.

Oh God! make these people see the History through this blog.

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