Today we are going to discuss the word 'Loga' or 'logathula'. People confuse with this word as complete world. This doesn't mean whole globe. This referes to only your clan which you are born that's it. if some one ask you 'logathula yellam soukiyamaa' which means they ask your clan people only. Nowadays, This context can't be understood and realized totally in this age. Because all the clan members don't live in same land mass. But this was not the case in the ancient world. Now people are divided in the same land mass and same city. Different groups are tied to different Gods outside the land mass and fighting for their rights and recognition. When you can see the divine as the natural forces and principle then a place is not a constrain to realize it. People go to Kaashi for moksha and dip in Ganges as moksha. Yes understood for those time period for that age it is fine and appreciated. But today its high time to ask to the people to dig the holy river in their land itself. Why should you go to foreign land and see holy things out side the land you are living. Why it is not felt here. Why it is not felt in your body. Why the 'thrigonasangam' is not found in your forehead? Why don't you sit wherever you are and find that holy river which is flowing in your home? It's just ego. It's just politics. It's just a debate of Who rules the land? Asura or Bhairava. Only a brave one (Iravan) watches the battle and see others fight with each other and die but you are never born or die. Only brave one sacrifice himself for the clans to Win in the battle of Knowledge. Someone told Bhagavath Gita as Smriti or Sruthi, who is that gentle man? I am asking you, "Who am I?" You have to come to Sundarapuram, Aravan Mandapam for a debate. When can we meet? Before coming memorize all the post in this blog and we will decode & debate on these concepts. We will put you a garland and send you back safe.
I am waiting...
*T & C apply.
मेरा हिंदी थोड़ा केही। मेरा से बात कारो संभव नहीं.I am waiting...
*T & C apply.
हिंदी नहीं मालूम , Demi-Gods speaks தமிழ் and Death-Man's chest beats and vibrates in Sanskrit. But Family man speaks in broken Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and in your language 😎👅