Today we will discuss about origin of Languages. We believe that universe is formed by BigBang and evolution of man kind. Then man kind should have evolved from Animal kingdom. Read my
previous post if you want to train your mind in this theory. I came across a theory which traces the hierarchy of humans by genetical study and conclude the origin point as adam's point. Based on this theory the Madurai Kamarajar University has found the first Indians. This will be very interesting to rewrite the history and unlearn the existing history. When you think after reading this adam's point theory. Then the first question comes to mind is what language those humans would have spoke? Whether to accept that human originated from adam's point only? Why can't be other origins too? Another famous origin theory says river beds are the origin of civilization. But we should carefully understand that from adam's point to origin of civilization there is span of time. Historians say the span of time(transition period) would be 10,000s of years. But we can say that language was not part of their lifes during this time because these period are highly insecure period. They had fought many wars with animals and between them to reach a civilize point. For our convenient, we can jump to a timeline where they have started civilization on river beds and they have reached different rivers from multiple adam's point which is mostly near to the river. During transition period there were no technology, no boat, no vehicle, no education and they have not reached the iron age but they would had some stone weapons for defense. These were the early humankind without caste, culture, music and politics. These are the period of inventions. Currently we are discovering which is already invented. Since they are from different adam's point these groups of people wouldn't know each other. If they have met each other how would they have spoken to each other? This is real mystery. But the need and wants of people were very very less. They didn't want to fight with each other rather know each other. Initial contact of people would have been to know each other and acceptance and love would have predominant between them. So language wouldn't be a barrier for love. They would have shared their lanugages too. So initial man had a mother tongue and only after a migration there is a need to learn another language. Before that there was no need to learn even any language because mother tongue is not a language but the native way of communication. So before taking you to next thought process I want to pray to Goddess of Knowledge to bless me with courage. And pray to these river Goddess to flow into the minds of reader (Sindu, Saraswati, Ganga, Godhavari, Narmadha, Kaveri, Pahruli). Why did I pray to these river goddess? Because I am not living in adam's point today. I could source to anyone of these river mothers. Currently my genes would have all of these mother's source. But if we see which would be predominant then I will believe Kaveri or Pahruli but I might be wrong. Today we are speaking different languages, majority of Dravidian language shares same roots. And other language roots to Sanskrit. My yoga guru have acknowledged that in all the Indian languages Tamil is less influenced by Sanskrit.
The oldest stone scripture of Sanskrit in India dates to 1600BCE. Before that people had communicated to each other, respected each other and married between clans. There were no need for any foreign languages to communicate between clans. River Saraswati stopped flowing. Those people were in hunger and poverty. They tried to find a river to migrate. This is famously called as migration of Aryans. They migrated to east and west. That's is why Sanskrit is called as Indo-European language. People were poor and suffered with no food. Neighboring civilization give them shelter and food. Since these people had no land in neighboring civilization they were given place to live. This period is called as Rigveda period. These people had their own practices of offering yagnas to Indra and other devas. You need to understand there are no temples built. But the Dravidian people had Stone worship (Nadukal valipaadu) that's why you would see mentioning of animal sacrifices in Rig veda and not in other vedas. People who opposed yagnas are called as Asuras(not their people or not devas). During this period, Buddha raised and pulled people to his path and asked no to follow these yagnas. During Rig veda period there were no puranas. Puranas are written after the rig veda period. Early man had worship god in different ways. Check out my all the posts what are the different siddhanthams. The Aryans need to learn other languages because they have to live in foreign land. The Saraswati river people migrated into the Indus and Ganges more than the current Dravidian land. Since they were poor and aliens with their practices they had to learn and adapt to the foreign land customs. This land had faced all kinds of slave-ism. Man to man battles loser will be killed or become slaves. Language to Language battles to find who is better when one wins other become slaves. Yes there were language battles had happened. Tamil people were asked by Sanskrit scholars to burn their documents and leave them in river on auspicious day so that they get credit in next birth. Whatever the Thanjavur university maintains as ancient text of Tamil are the one escaped from fire. Tamil vedams and Many have burned in the language battle.
Now it is called as mother of other languages. Science proves with adam's point approach that cuneiform were the birth of languages and Egyptians disappeared with cuneiform that is not considered as language. But the pyramids can't be built today with Sanskrit or Chinese or Japanese. The technological advancement doesn't require any particular language rather a strong belief and communication between people. Language is only a medium to learn the science. You are trying to discover which is already invented and already present in universe. I pray to all these mother goddess to bless eternal to others because one is in a hunger to swallow others.